Early Breast Cancer Detection
Our NGO is dedicated to offering non-invasive, radiation-free, and painless breast cancer screenings to women from economically challenged backgrounds in Mumbai and surrounding areas. Early detection saves lives, significantly increasing the chances of successful treatment. Our goal is to scan 1,000 women in our first phase. 

Why This Matters:
  • Early Detection: Boosts survival rates and treatment success.
  • Non-Invasive: Safe, comfortable, and accessible for all women.
  • Community Impact: Supports those who need it most.
How You Can Help:
  • Spread the Word: Inform women in your community about this life-saving service.
  • Volunteer: Join us in organizing and conducting the screenings.
  • Donate: Support us financially to reach more women and expand our efforts.
Together, we can make a significant impact in the fight against breast cancer. 

Let's ensure every woman has the chance for early detection and better treatment outcomes. 

Connect with Us: 
Tel: +91-9867341057

Join us in this life-saving mission. Every action counts!