Transforming Schools
Give your School a Second  Chance. 

GCD NGO is dedicated to transforming underprivileged schools in Mumbai, Maharashtra, and neighboring regions. We focus on unaided, semi-aided, and bereft schools struggling with inadequate infrastructure and educational resources. 

Our mission is to uplift these schools through comprehensive upgrades, encompassing:

  • Infrastructure development: Building and repairing classrooms, sanitation facilities, libraries, and playgrounds.
  • Essential repairs: Addressing critical issues like leaky roofs, damaged electrical wiring, and broken furniture.
  • Redevelopment: Creating modern, child-friendly learning spaces tailored to the school's needs.

Beyond physical improvements, we are committed to enhancing educational quality. Our support includes:

  • Teacher training: Empowering educators with the skills to create engaging and effective classrooms.
  • Curriculum development: Supporting schools in implementing relevant and inspiring learning programs.
  • Resource provision: Equipping schools with essential teaching materials and technology.

Is your school in need of a transformation?We invite project reports from schools facing challenges in Mumbai, Maharashtra, and nearby areas. Share your school's story and let us know how GCD can help you create a brighter future for your students.Together, we can build schools that inspire and empower.

Submit your project report today!